Cities of Tomorrow


Social Sciences

Arnaud Pagès

Éditions Michel Lafon

Language of origin

Publication date

Rights Sold

Infos :

192 pages

Ferturing Philippe Starck, Carlos Moreno & Alain Damasio

What will the cities of tomorrow look like? Highly connected, automated, smart… or green, bio-diverse, self-sufficient? Is it the dream of a Smart City that runs on data or that of a green megalopolis reconciled with nature? Realistically, it will certainly be a mixture of both…

Drawing on fundamental trends, weak signals and the most recent innovations, this book explores upcoming transformations to sketch out a panoramic vision, illustrated with a rich iconography and testimonies of visionary architects, futurists and thinkers, such as Philippe Starck, Carlos Moreno, Luc Schuitten and Alain Damasio.

As humanity is at the brink of a series of unprecedented challenges- the fight against global warming, systemic crises, overpopulation-, cities are transforming much more rapidly than in the past. Discover how the immense acceleration of digital technology and environmental constraints are bringing about the emergence of a new urban model that will revolutionize the way we live in cities.

Arnaud Pagès

Arnaud Pagès is a journalist with a special interest in major societal and technological developments issues. He has worked for Slate, Usbek & Rica, and Canal + media Détours Since 2019, he is a freelance editor-in-chief of L’ADN.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger