The biggest lies of history
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The forgery of “historical truth”
This book examines the forgeries and altered historical truths concerning Moses, Alexander the Great, Caesar, Cicero, St. Paul, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Columbus, Machiavelli, Luther, Peter the Great, Galileo Galilee, Napoleon, and Bismarck.
The result of this study is a radically altered view of history that shatters our ideas about many so-called historical facts.
Incredible efforts are made today to reveal the truth may it be in the courtroom, where witnesses are checked for their credibility, or in criminology to prove a criminal guilty.
With the same carefulness and with the most modern, scientific tools, historians try to newly establish the truth, with the result that history sometimes has to be completely rewritten.
This has been done in the book THE BIGGEST LIES OF HISTORY. Persons and personalities, incidents and occurrences are checked from all sides and totally reevaluated.
For example, much more is known today about the methods of the forgers, which were so clever and sophisticated that it puts one in awe.
In fact, in ancient times at least thirteen techniques were used without shame, to forge documents, including; speeches of Caesar and the biography of Christopher Columbus; parts of the Bible; and parts of the Islamic religion. One single writer falsified 4000 sayings of Mohammed!
It is true that clumsy forgery exists, but so, too, exists the refined and cunning forgery. In fact there were forgery industries that did nothing else than falsely attribute writings, texts and documents to religious leaders or emperors, so that their words gained more weight, or that a juristic demand or a teaching could be created.
This book helps to correct these altered truths, a correction which is long overdue. The tricks and finesse of the art of public relations and the art of lying in grand style were looked at mercilessly under the author’s magnifying glass.
The biographies of Bismarck, Napoleon and Caesar, for example, were completely falsified. And especially the Christian-inspired historiographic writing, which was dominate for at least 1800 years, is not free from forgery. For a ‘higher purpose,’ there were lies, and twisted truths; incidents were changed; data omitted and information added that one can only be flabbergasted by, once truth is revealed.
With a big searchlight, historical incidents and personalities are revealed in a totally new way in this book. The reader can expect new viewpoints of well-reported historic occurrences, which may radically change our perspectives and opinions of historic truth.