CBD – A Natural Remedy Rediscovered



Alexander Ehrmann

Susanne Hofmann

Mankau Verlag

Language of origin

Infos :

127 pages
Softcover with gatefolds
Full-colour print

Gutenberg made his Bibles from it and Levi Strauss his jeans, while Hildegard von Bingen used it as a remedy for all kinds of pain: Hemp! After World War II, however, this medicinal plant was decried as ‘the Devil’s harvest’ – very wrongly so! Hemp contains more than 50 substances with proven healing properties. The most important one for pharmacology is the so-called cannabidiol – CBD in short – a substance that is experiencing a true renaissance today as an incredibly versatile remedy for health and well-being.

This guidebook by two experienced pharmacists covers the ran- ge from traditional healing up to sound science, taking a close look not only at current data from worldwide studies but also at the legal basis for its use. Above all, however, Susanne Hofmann and Alex- ander Ehrmann point out the manifold effects and possible appli- cations of CBD: Used properly and in the right dosage, cannabidiol provides natural relief from pain, anxiety, stress, inflammation and many other ailments. Moreover, because naturopathic medicine is also highly effective in four-legged patients, an extra chapter is devoted to the use of CBD oil in pets.

Alexander Ehrmann

Mag. pharm. Alexander Ehrmann studied pharmacy in Vienna and Perugia. Since 2006, he has been running the Saint Charles Apo- thecary in Vienna and the Saint Charles Pharmacy in Berlin, a shop for natural cosmetics, the Saint Charles Alimentary Inn and his own factory, Saint Charles Organics. A native of Vienna, he pays spe- cial attention to traditional European medicine in all its facets. Alex- ander Ehrmann puts his heart and soul into his work – a descendant of sixth generations of pharmacists.

Susanne Hofmann

Mag. pharm. Susanne Hofmann graduated from the University of Vienna’s school of pharmacy in 2005. She is a consultant and re- search associate and thus gives lectures and semi- nars for pharmacists and commercial clerks in the pharmaceutical industry in Austria and Germany. Since 2014, Mrs. Hofmann has been working in the Saint Charles Apothecary in Vienna where she advises customers with enthusiasm and expertise on orthomolecular therapies and traditio- nal European medicine in addition to classical orthodox medicine.

Agence Schweiger