Beneath the Surface



Kristi Hugstad

New World Library

Language of origin

Infos :

Trade paperback
224 pages
51⁄2 x 81⁄2

A Teen’s Guide to Reaching Out When You or Your Friend Is in Crisis

Teen-tested strategies for addressing and overcoming the overwhelm many teens feel, day in and day out, including the feelings that can lead to violence

  • According to the World Health Organization, mental health disorders are associated with more than 90 percent of all cases of suicide
  • Addresses contemporary concerns including social media, self- harm, bullying, LGBTQ issues, and depressionWhile growing up has never been easy, today’s teens face a landscape that might be unrecognizable to their parents. In addition to dealing with cliques and peer pressure, they live in a fast-changing social media world that exposes and makes vulnerable as much as it connects. Factor in mass shootings, daily reports about climate change, and the prospect of crippling college loan debt, and it’s no wonder that rates of teen depression, anxiety, and, tragically, suicide are soaring. Kristi Hugstad writes in a way that talks with, rather than down to, teens. The issues covered, including depression, eating disorders, PTSD, anxiety, bullying, and substance abuse, are ac- companied by the stories of real teens who have experienced and overcome these challenges. Testimonials from teens who have been depressed, attempted suicide, and survived highlight ways that kids can recognize danger signs in their own lives, help a friend in trouble, and find nonjudgmental, empathetic help. A fellow survivor of grief and trauma, Hugstad is uniquely positioned to bring hope to the hopeless, show the lonely that they aren’t alone, and reveal that life can be much, much easier than seems possible in moments of crisis.

Kristi Hugstad

KRISTI HUGSTAD is a certified grief recovery specialist and a grief and loss facilitator for re- covering addicts at South Coast Behavioral Health. She frequently speaks at high schools and is the host of The Grief Girl podcast and talk radio show. Her book What I Wish I’d Known ad- dresses the suicide of her husband. She lives in Orange County, California. NANCY GUERRA, EDD, is a professor of psychological science and the dean of the School of Social Ecology at the University of California, Irvine. She lives in Orange County, California.

Agence Schweiger