Being a highly sensitive person




Ulrike Hensel

Junfermann Verlag

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

176 pages

22 Impulses for a good handling of one’s own high sensitivity

Being a coach and facilitator of discussion groups, Ulrike Hensel repeatedly comes across certain topics and challenges that play a central role in the lives of her highly sensitive clients:

  • How can I accept my own nature?
  • Is comparison with others important for me?
  • Should I talk about my high sensitivity – and if so, how?


The book has got a modular structure, it can be browsed according to interest and need. Due to this extensive collection of facts, quotes from highly sensitive people and practical everyday impulses, highly sensitive people can assess even better what is good for them and what is not, what they need and what should not happen (anymore). The aim is to have a satisfied, authentic life in alignment with one’s own values.

Ulrike Hensel

Ulrike Hensel is a highly sensitive person herself. She is a coach, specialized in coaching HSP.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger