Yoga in the Kashmir Tradition: the art of listening



Billy Doyle

New Sarum Press

Language of origin

Infos :

5.83" x 8.27 "
164 pages

“In this book, author Billy Doyle, who was a yoga teacher before he met Jean and spent 15 years studying the body approach closely under Jean’s tutelage, brings us a carefully curated and meticulously presented guidebook to this work that can be applied by the reader to powerful effect.

Jean realized that identification as a separate self is more than just a mental phenomenon—it’s deeply rooted in contraction and fixation in our physical and energetic structure, as the result of a lifetime of conditioning. By bringing gentle, nonjudgmental, nonmanipulative awareness to sensation as we move through the poses, we can release the hold that separation and identification have over us and free ourselves to realize our essential nature, as beings of light.

For yoga teachers, this wise book introduces a method for using the practice as a doorway to a deeper dimension of being. And for students of Advaita, it helps ground the teachings in direct apperception and allows conceptual understanding to dissolve in being understanding. As a complement to your other practices and readings, I believe you’ll find that it has the potential to increase your understanding immeasurably.”

Billy Doyle

Billy Doyle is a qualified yoga teacher. He studied with many teachers in a wide variety of approaches. In 1982 he met Jean Klein who introduced him to Yoga in the Kashmir Tradition. He worked closely with Dr.Klein for many years and assisted at his seminars worldwide. Billy Doyle’s book, Yoga in the Kashmir Tradition: the art of listening is a record of these teachings that can be followed by any student. Billy has also authored The Mirage of Separation, a collection of poems and prose written from a non-dualistic perspective, covering subjects that include identification, desire, time, the spiritual path and silence. He holds regular yoga classes in London and retreats in different parts of the country and abroad.

Agence Schweiger