Wild Bread



Katharina Bodenstein

AT Verlag

Language of origin

Rights Sold

Infos :

144 pages
198 colour photos

Archaic Outdoor Baking

• Baking by the fireside, on an open fire, in the earth, on the barbecue, in a stone oven
• More than 120 recipes made from 5 basic types of dough
• Including building instructions for a simple stone oven

There is nothing more traditional and archaic than sitting by the fire, baking a twist bread or hearty flatbread. With only very few ingredients – flour, yeast, salt, and water – it is easy to bake various types of flatbread, rolls, and crunchy bread on the fire, barbecue, or simply the conventional way in a clay or pizza oven.

The book presents five basic types of dough that can be varied in a number of ways, for instance with herbs, nuts, or further ingredients such as olives and cheese – in total it contains more than 120 recipes. They are easy to make even for beginners, as there is one standard method of preparing the dough. In no time you can twist, knead, braid, or spread them into any desired shape – a sensual experience that you can also enjoy by the fireside.

This »wild baking« leaves much room for improvisation: why not bake the bread directly on the grill, spiked on some steel wire, or on a spade – we tell you how to do it! And those with a taste for big, solid loaves better get themselves a bread or pizza oven. Building instructions are included at the end of the book.

Katharina Bodenstein

Katharina Bodenstein (text) biologist and long-time editor of the garden magazine »kraut & rüben«. Passionate camper, open air cook, and mother of two sons who loves to cook in her spare time.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger