Wasser in Not



Monique Bissen


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

256 pages

Out of sight, out of mind? For too long we have been using water for waste disposal. Microplastics, petroleum, harmful germs and other, partly invisible pollutants are discharged into seas, rivers, lakes and groundwater. Nature is often unable to process these substances – and so they return to us like a boomerang via our food. The increasing acidification of water bodies also threatens our environment and our health.

How high is the water pollution of various rivers and lakes worldwide? What are solutions that make safe drinking water possible? And what makes water a food and beverage? Water expert Monique Bissen looks at the water system from all perspectives and makes clear its role as the number 1 food.

Monique Bissen

Monique Bissen loves and understands the world of water. What began with a "Jugend forscht" prize became a passion and a vocation. As a chemical engineer with a doctorate and water expert, she works in many ways to ensure that people can enjoy pollutant-free drinking water.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger