Vision Training. A Pocket Guide




Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer

Mankau Verlag

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Infos :

126 pages
Softcover with gatefolds
Full-colour print

Exercises and tips for healthy and lively vision

  • Easy every-day exercises

• Experienced visual training coach and seminar guide

In our modern information society, the eyes of a lot of people are unilaterally strained and often fatigued. All over the world, vision problems are rising drastically, 80 percent of all youths in cities are already nearsighted. So-called age-related diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma or macular degeneration are becoming more and more common. So how can you prevent vision problems and do something good for your eyes with simple means?

This handy guidebook teaches you how to :

•effectively relax your exhausted eyes
• restore your exhausted vision in a gentle way
•improve contrast and colour vision
• optimally strengthen your eyesight and avoid vision problems

Experienced visual training coach Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer introduces readers to simple yet highly effective exercises which can easily be integrated into their everyday routine.

Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer

He holds a graduate degree in education and has additional training in colour and Gestalt therapy. He has beeen teaching the "art of vision” since 1981, since 1991 he has headed the Visiovital Institut für Sehtraining in Bad Vilbel (www.institut-fuer- and offers international seminars and course leader training. From 1996 to 1999 as part of the "work and vision” research programme of the German Federal Ministry for Science and Technology, he developed preventive measures for people whose work puts an extreme strain on their eyesight. Ever since, he has run this programme in the form of a seminar entitled "eyesight training – healthy vision at the workplace” in numerous companies and authorities. Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer was a lecturer at the Universität Hannover for many years and since 1991 has been a lecturer at the Akademie Gesundes Leben in Oberursel. In addition, he works as a sculptor (www.hä and has authored various books and self-help programmes.

Agence Schweiger