Vegetables and heatwave


Garden & Nature

Blaise Leclerc

Jean-Jacques Raynal

Terre Vivante

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

21 x 21 cm
120 pages CMYK

Adapting to global warming in the vegetable garden

With global warming, which is now a fact and whose effects are more and more frequent and intense, we are entering a new era as regards to gardening, requiring us to modify our techniques in order to continue producing vegetables. At the same time, we must also change our lifestyle habits to limit global warming as much as possible, to permit our children and grandchildren to continue gardening .

Blaise Leclerc

Blaise Leclerc is an agricultural engineer and has gardened for the past 30 years. He is specialised in the interactions between agriculture and the environment and is a professional expert for ITAB (Institut Technique de l’agriculture biologique). He has also written many books, such as My delicious tomatoes or Good soil for good gardening.

Jean-Jacques Raynal

Jean-Jacques Raynal is a photographer.

Agence Schweiger