Types of breathing



Marco Gerhards

Neue Erde

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

Paperback with flaps
128 pages
146 x 208 mm

A practical handbook

All humans breathe. However, from birth people use two types of breathing:

  •   Active inhaling with passive exhaling
  •   Passive inhaling with active exhaling

    These types of breathing are very simple and natural, and they influence body posture, one’s behaviour of moving, and one’s metabolism. All of us who are concentrating on our bodies (or professionally with those of others), should know about these types of breathing.

    ➤ Basic knowledge for all who do body work
    ➤ The path to full breathing, and to ultimate living

    ➤ Includes many test exercises, in order to find out your own type of breathing
    ➤ Refers to all who are involved with Sports, Yoga, Tai Chi, Singing and similar matters

    This knowledge is an important aid to: self-knowledge and personal development as well as for assessing individual predisposition of patients or clients, partners or students.
    This book deals with practical confirmation of the individual type of breathing, and how we take account of it in our daily dealings with our own bodies. Elsa Gindler, a pioneer of modern teaching about the body, used to say, “We are not engaging with gymnastics in order to achieve something on our mats, but in order to transfer it to real life.”

    Thus, the advice and tips in this book are to serve as impulses for a realistic balance, and for a connection with the body that makes sense and emphasizes the senses: in other words, connecting with one’s own body shape. The book offers brief theoretical narratives and numerous exercises, to help recognize the individual type of breathing.
    Beyond that, examples and impulses are provided, in order optimally to integrate the type of breathing into daily behavioural patterns of moving and living.
    Optimal breathing maximizes metabolic processes and also measurably supports one’s own body system. Once we have recognized the type of breathing, we are able to orientate ourselves optimally physically and to cope naturally with our inborn nature.

Marco Gerhards

Marco Gerhards is a state-approved sports and gymnastics teacher with a Master's degree in biological anthropology, modern history and history of medicine. He works as a scientific author, lecturer in education and training as well as a freelance body therapist. He lives in the Freiburg area and offers seminars and individual sessions.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger