


Social Sciences


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Infos :

190 pages

“Yesterday I was still in the middle of life, today I am outside and confronted with what we all know, but what most of us somehow repress. But for me it is no longer possible to block out this knowledge: that we all have to die. The bastard in my body hammers this knowledge into my head without ceasing: I’ve got you under control! And I would like to yell at it:

Come out, you stupid creature! But the evil beast does not think about it. Will radiation, chemo wear it down, strangle it?”

These lines are written by the best-selling author Arno Luik – from the most important text he has written in his life. A text, originated in an extreme situation, which, yes, because of that also inspires to see the self-evident not as self-evident. After his cancer diagnosis, which Luik received last late summer, he does what he never did before: he writes a diary. He notes down his inner views, his nightmares, his longing for life – but suddenly it’s about much more: about this torn, maltreated world. Which could be so beautiful if, for example, those in power were not …

Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger