Tom Flicke‘s Strength Band Training



Sports and Martial Arts

Tom Flicke

Copress - Stiebner

Language of origin

Rights Sold

Infos :

192 pages

All you need for a complete fitness training is a so called “strength band” or band ring. No fancy equipment needed!

Author Tom Flicke’s new concept of exercises and training is suitable for a lot of people, from beginner to pros. He demonstrates the right use and the different ways to train with the strength bands.

The book includes exercises for all parts of your body, from shoulders through your core to the legs. The bands come in different intensity measures so you can find the perfect fit for your fitness level.

(Bands not included in book)

Tom Flicke

Tom Flicke studied economics and sports to become a teacher. As a teacher at the State Vocational Centre in Starnberg, he is responsible for the sports training of sports and fitness professionals, for whom he has also published the nationally used textbook "Sportfachlich beraten und betreuen". He is also a member of the curriculum commission for sports and fitness management assistants and a member of the examination board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Upper Bavaria for sports and fitness management assistants. He has numerous trainer and advanced training qualifications and has been working in the fitness industry for over 25 years.

Agence Schweiger