The Witchs’ Cookbook



New Age / Esoterics

Christelle Galand

Eloha Audrey Loups

Guy Trédaniel

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

290 pages
150 x 220 mm

100 healthy, sacred recipes

Cooking is becoming an act of activism, a key element of female power. Having left our thatched cottages to gain freedom, we have forgotten the importance of ‘feeding our inner space’. Cooking, as an activity and a symbol, can help us.

In this changing society, women have gone on a quest for their sacred feminity and witchcraft. Why? Because we all need to add meaning and values to our lives. We feel the necessity to get our feminine power and our witch knowledge back, to sow the values of feminine polarity and to become the magicians of our lives.

This book uses the power of words, through rituals and meditation exercises to transform and absorb food.

Getting back to the kitchen can help conscious women bring a sense of sacredness into their lives, feed their inner fire, reconnect with Gaia, the Great Mother, and with goddesses of the home, like Hestia, Belisana and Vesta.

This book is dedicated to modern women who want to take pleasure in cooking, in full awareness and in connection with the archetypes of the goddesses who nourish this Earth and accompany us when we call upon them.

With the help of simple, everyday recipes (most of them vegetarian, gluten- and lactose-free), you will explore the abundance Nature provides us with, the food offered by the elements, a new connection to goddesses and other entities.

Key Selling Points:

  • An original approach of the sacred feminine, mindful eating and cooking.
  • 100 seasonal recipes, most of them vegetarian, gluten- and lactose-free.
  • Rituals, meditations and a magical spell for each recipe to benefit from your food’s vitality.
  • Photographs from humanist and photo-therapist Christelle Galand.
  • An expert author with a large network in France and Switzerland. She is the founder of the 1st sacred feminine training course of the French-speaking world, which led to the creation of a whole new profession – “awakener” – to guide women along their own path.
  • 4,700 people follow her Facebook page “Ame de femme”, 5,000 people follow her

“Audrey Loups” page; her Instagram community is growing; her newsletter reaches over 3,000 people all over France.

  • A new book is to be published soon.

Christelle Galand

Christelle Galand is a photographer and photo-therapist. A hypersensitive person, she loves life, simplicity and authentic encounters. Cooking is a part of her life; she sees it as an act of love, a selfless gift, a way of honouring the abundance and diversity of Mother nature, and to reconnect with her through the heart. Christelle has created her own phototherapy procedures after having personally experienced their benefits. Today she uses writing, dancing and photolanguage to support the photo sessions she offers to help women who lack self-esteem or suffer from cancer to reconnect with their intuition and sovereignty. This book is a tribute to her ancestors, to the magic and abundance of life, and to her meeting Eloha, awakener of the feminine.

Eloha Audrey Loups

Eloha Audrey Loups has worked for over 20 years with a thousand patients as a nutritionist, health coach, acupuncturist and dietotherapist. She has contributed to various magazines, such as ‘Santé Magazine where she wrote an article on detoxing, and taught Chinese dietotherapy to hundreds of students. In the last 5 years, she has dedicated herself to feminine awakening and has taken part in numerous professional fairs, festivals, lectures in France and Switzerland. Thousands of women have already attended her events. Today, through her website called “Ame de femme”, she wants to help women thrive in the personal and professional spheres, and take their rightful place in society. “Ame de femme” created the very first sacred feminine course of the French-speaking world. A pioneering training course that created a new profession – “awakener” – to guide women along their own path. Within this course, Eloha focuses on plants and foods in relation to the female cycle, and highlights the importance of eating with awareness. Food plays an essential role for this mother of three, wife, blogger, awakener, writer and public speaker. With this grimoire, she wishes to disclose her modern witch’s secrets to help you find the way to your inner home.

Agence Schweiger