The Ultimate Guide to Solo Sex




Jenny Block

Cleis Press

Language of origin

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Trim Size: 8.25×5.5
Page Count: 244

Masturbation is a many-splendored thing, but even here, all of us can get into a comfortable rut. Take what can be really good to really great with Jenny Block’s guide to getting in on with yourself. Whether you are happily coupled, on your own, poly, or demonstrating your solo skills for your lover(s), Block has the very best advice on how to pleasure yourself masterfully and share the love. Replete with thorough research, Block’s book covers the science of sex, wild and wonderful ideas for upping the masturbation ante, and lots of suggestions for how to incorporate toys. There are only one or two truly good books on the market about “sex for one,” and those are years and even decades old. The Ultimate Guide to Solo Sex makes its entry as an instant classic that shows readers how to go from mundane to mind-blowing.

Jenny Block

Jenny Block, author of Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage (2008 Lambda Literary Award) is a frequent contributor to a number of high-profile publications. Jenny holds both her B.A. and her M.A. in English from Virginia Commonwealth University and taught college composition for nearly ten years. She writes for a wide variety of publications and websites, including The Huffington Post,, American Way, Veranda, The Dallas Morning News, and the Dallas Voice. She has appeared on a variety of television and radio programs, including Nightline, Fox and Friends, The Glenn Beck Show, and Playboy Radio. She lives in Dallas, Texas. Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage was written up and/or reviewed both nationally and internationally in and on a variety of publications and sites, including Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, Glamour, Marie Claire, Curve, Observer UK, Maxi (Germany), Psychologies (UK), Playgirl, NPR’s Morning Edition, The New York Times and more.

Agence Schweiger