The ultimate guide to seduction and Foreplay




Jessica O'Reilly

Marla Renee Stewart

Cleis Press

Language of origin

Renowned sexuality experts Jessica O’Reilly, PhD (Sex with Dr. Jess) and Marla Renee Stewart, MA (Sex Down South) want to help everyone have better, more fulfilling, and more meaningful sex!

Sex means different things to different people – it’s as varied as the different species on the planet. So, seduction and foreplay are not only about getting what you want, but about giving and receiving, teasing and pleasing for the best possible rewards, no matter how you define them. (And, yes, foreplay IS sex!)

The Ultimate Guide to Seduction & Foreplay teaches readers how to tune into their own desires, become better communicators, and ultimately be more confident, passionate, and attentive lovers. Inspired by fantasies of seduction, Marla and Jess take you on a journey of sexual exploration and help you understand the many factors that add to or inhibit arousal and pleasure on psychological, sociological, and sexological levels. Readers gain a deeper understanding of their own sexual needs and the foundations for greater compatibility and connection. As you explore your own learning and seduction styles (and your lover’s), you’ll discover and experiment with new and exciting ways to stimulate arousal and deepen intimacy: verbal, emotional, and digital seduction, foreplay, eroticizing daily actions, games, fantasy play, mindfulness, and more. Packed with practical exercises, techniques, and creative ideas — especially for busy couples — this inclusive guide is a surefire way for folks of all genders to master the art of seduction.

You don’t have to be a rockstar in (or out of) the sack each time you have sex, but this book will help you approach your lovers with the confidence and comfort you deserve! Whether you are adding to your repertoire for later or striving to please your current lover, you’ll discover thrilling new pathways to pleasure and intimacy.

Jessica O'Reilly

Jessica O’Reilly graduated from the SDS program in 2005 and went on to complete a PhD in human sexuality with a focus on teacher and classroom-based education. Her successful Sex With Dr. Jess brand promotes healthy sex and relationships through a series of books, speaking engagements, workshops and television programs. From hosting Playboy TV’s hit reality series on swinging to speaking at clinical conferences and universities, Jessica has become a go-to expert for all matters related to sex and relationships. Through her counselling practice and educational retreats, she has worked with thousands of couples from all corners of the world to improve communication, overcome sexual challenges and enhance relationship quality. She is passionate about comprehensive & accessible education and provides programming and support for special needs youth, HIV–positive clientele, classroom teachers, cancer survivors, parents, teens, and clinicians.

Marla Renee Stewart

Marla, a Californian native and a Southern transplant, is a woman with passion, charisma and integrity. Motivated by passion, her mission in life is to educate and inspire others in a variety of ways. First and foremost, she is truly dedicated to getting people in touch with their body, mind and spirit. She believes in harnessing love and accepting people for who they are and where they are at in their lives. Her non-judgmental spirit speaks to people from all different backgrounds and she has the ability to get along with just about anyone. She is a maven in most everything that she pursues and she strives for perfection in everything she does. Mediocre is not in her vocabulary. She has a wonderful and supportive family, as well as amazing and compassionate friends. When she has some free time, she likes to watch movies, have provocative conversations with her friends and play basketball. She also loves to dance and convince her house guests to play strategy games with her.

Agence Schweiger