The powers of emotional intelligence



R. Rossi, C. Lauzol and D. Noyé

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Infos :

220 pages
15 x 22.5 cm

For a long time emotions have been considered as weaknesses that do not be- long in a professional environment. But recent research in neurosciences showed their actual benefit. According to the Economic forum of Davos, Emotional Intelli- gence is one of the ten key skills that allows you to have a successful professional life in 2020. This book aims to show the manager how to develop his emotional agility while serving his team’s performance:

• Becoming aware of our emotions and our feelings; knowing how to channel and express them

• Knowing and understanding other’s emotions and taking them into account

R. Rossi, C. Lauzol and D. Noyé

The authors are all specialized in coaching and business consulting services.

Agence Schweiger