The little box to make your hypersensitivity a powerful force


Card Decks & Oracles


Laure Zanella

Guy Trédaniel

Language of origin

Infos :

Box :81 color cards
11×8.5 x4.5cm

You are inclined to feel the events with a lot of intensity? In contrast to what you may think, hypersensitivity can become a true strength, if you know how to cultivate this quality and make the best use of your empathy and emotional intelligence, without suffering any more.

Thanks to the 81 cards in this box, you will discover a new message or advice in order to understand, accept and develop your hypersensitivity… to finally realize your full potential.

Laure Zanella

Laure Zanella is a psychopra�cian in personal development. She practices intuitive coaching and accompanies people towards their personal fulfilment and the regaining of their full creative power. She is followed on her page FB @transform your life to your dreams by more than 30 000 fans.

Agence Schweiger