The Incredible Raised Garden Bed


Garden & Nature

Doris Kampas


Language of origin

Infos :

Approx. 125 pages

Reap what you sow!

Raised beds have been taking gardens and terraces by storm. They are the stuff of every gardener’s dreams: the chance to grow plants from a comfortable height, with a fruitful harvest and protection against irksome pests. Well, that’s the theory at least! In reality, lots of people find themselves standing in front of their new raised garden beds, scratching their heads and wondering where to start. Where exactly should the plants go? What can you do to make sure your new planter will be brimming with bountiful vegetables that will be the envy of the neighbours? Doris Kampas to the rescue: our raised bed queen is here to make sure everyone can hit the ground running. With five exciting raised bed themes to satisfy all your heart’s desires – from the ‘pasta garden’ to the ‘around the world’ garden – there’s something for every gardening taste here. Kampas gives a handy overview of when to plant your raised bed, what kind of seeds to sow and how much, then when to pick your crops. Each raised bed is accompanied by drawings to show exactly what to do month by month. And because we all know that the best way to learn is from our mistakes, she shares her top 10 gardening mishaps with us for a spot of light relief.

Doris Kampas

Doris Kampas loves her garden! It brings her joy – and the most incredible variety of top-notch organic fruit, veg and herbs. After all, you reap what you sow! This agronomist has turned her hobby into a career: as well as being a raised bed expert, she also holds numerous workshops on organic garden design all over Austria. As an organic gardening expert, she also writes a column for Ja! Natürlich magazine and writes a blog on Her lectures and her books “Biogärten gestalten” (Organic Garden Design) (2017), “Das unglaubliche Hochbeet” (The Incredible Raised Garden Bed) (2019) and “Das sensationelle Winterhochbeet” (The Amazing Winter Garden Bed) (2020) are as bristling with life as the wild hedges in her garden.

Agence Schweiger