The hive revolution



Garden & Nature

Mauro Grasso

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

pp. 148
19×23,5 cm colour with photos

Raising bees naturally with PermApiculture (permaculture applied to bees)

The passionate journey of a young beekeeper in search of a new relationship with bees that can be sustainable for both parties and that is environmentally friendly, inspired by Oscar Perone’s PermApiculture

Mauro Grasso’s revolutionary proposal starts from a very simple principle: let’s try and interfere with hive as little as possible and let the bees do their work. Inspired by the method devised by Oscar Perone, the creator of PermApiculture, the author illustrates a low-impact beekeeping practice based on a new model that can fully meet the ethological needs of the hive organism, so as to offer bees the best conditions for developing strategies in order to survive new pests and an increasingly contaminated environment.

This book is a challenge and at the same time an invitation, addressed to all beekeepers, professionals or novices, to get involved in finding new solutions together.


Mauro Grasso

Mauro Grasso has been following Oscar Perone's principles of permapiculture since 2012, but has added many of his own adaptations that derive from his personal experience. Since 2014, he is called by many beekeeping associations in different parts of Italy. He has also been invited by the Department of Agriculture of the University of Florence, to present PermApiculture and its principles. He currently lives in the Liguria region with his family, engaged in a community living project, continuing to raise his bees and collaborating with beekeepers from all over Italy, committed as he is to promoting and practicing natural beekeeping.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger