The Healing Plants of Ayurveda
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Infos : | Hardcover |
Ayurvedic Naturopathic Plants for the Western World
• A well-founded introduction summarizes the basics of Ayurveda
• A comprehensive reference book on Ayurvedic healing plants, indispensable for therapists and all those interested in herbal medicine
• Usage of the 27 most important essence plants of the Indian subcontinent
In ayurveda theory, plants play an utmost important role: the »doctrine on good life« knows
and uses thousands of healing plants, also the applied cures are mostly extracted from plants. Many of the plants growing between Cashmere and Madras can be found as well on our side of the globe. The book is divided into three practice-oriented reference parts: Comprehensive characteristics of 115 European healing plants explain their usage on the basis of the Ayurvedic therapy concept, i.e. Western plants are evaluated from an Ayurvedic perspective. The next part provides descriptions and explains usage of the 27 most important essence plants of the Indian subcontinent. These essences are available in local pharmacies. Finally the therapy part furnishes an ample description of the most common illnesses and disease patterns from acne to tooth ache with tips on corresponding therapies, accompanying and preventive measures. A well-founded introduction summarizes the basics of Ayurveda. A comprehensive reference book on Ayurvedic healing plants, indispensable for therapists and all those interested in herbal medicine.