The Euthanautes



Tini Howard

Graph Zeppelin

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

128 pages
Format : 17,6 x 26,8 cm


Where do people go when they die? This is a question that both religion and science attempt to answer, without any concrete answer. Yet it is this world, where the concept of death transcends the boundaries of religious transcendence and becomes an unexplored realm in itself, that Thalia Rosewood, an undertaker and lifelong death obsessive, and the Euthanauts, a group of very special adventurers, will explore. A journey to discover the realities of the afterlife.

Unsettling, disconcerting, hypnotic and compelling, Euthanauts is a human story surrounded by the ultimate metaphysical mystery.

Tini Howard

Tini HOWARD, born in 1985, is a young American comic book writer. She signed her first publication in 2014 with the title Magdalena: Seventh Sacrament. She is also the author of The Forgotten Queen (Valiant), Thanos and Age of Conan: Beelit (Marvel).
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger