The Craziness about the 5G Craze



Klaus Buchner

Monika Krout

Mankau Verlag

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

Softcover with flaps
13.5 x 21.5 cm
255 pages


How dangerous are mobile communications in general and 5G in particular? And what can we do to protect ourselves?

Strong mobile phone radiation is making more and more people ill; today at least two percent of the German population are already suffering from electrohypersensitivity (EHS). However, radiation-related signs of disease and lasting damage are also increasingly observed in animals and plants. And these are not just random assumptions, but hard facts based on serious studies.

In his fascinating, easy-to-understand and well-researched book, highly renowned physicist Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner provides information on the background and dangers of mobile communications, especially the new 5G standard. Prof. Dr. Buchner, who used to be a member of the European parliament, working together with environmental medicine expert Monika Krout, M.D., draws on serious studies and case examples that have hardly made the news. Buchner is by no means hostile to modern technology and mobile telephony, but makes no secret of the fact that mobile radiation is demonstrably harmful and that the new cell phone standard 5G could have catastrophic effects for us all.

The book aims to encourage readers to form their own opinions, and shows how alternative technical solutions could be applied to reduce radiation drastically. In addition, this mobile communications expert gives concrete recommendations on how everyone can reduce radiation – in some cases by adopting simple and inexpensive measures.

  • The radio scandal: How authorities and politicians are carelessly putting our health at risk
  • Unequivocal conclusions from available studies: Why mobile phone radiation can make you sick
  • Questionable progress: What makes the new 5G standard so dangerous
  • Healthy alternatives: Which modern technologies offer low-radiation alternatives
  • Effective self-protection: What you can do for yourself and your loved ones

“We can no longer afford the backward technology and today’s completely excessive radiation. Other countries have long since switched to the more modern low-radiation technology.”
Klaus Buchner

Klaus Buchner

Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Klaus Buchner (born 1941) studied physics in Munich and obtained his "Diploma in the Physics of Elementary Particles" in Edinburgh (Scotland). From 1965 onwards, he worked, among others, at the Max Planck Institute for Physics and Astrophysics in Munich, where he received his PhD in physics, and at the European research center CERN in Geneva. His research also took him to the universities in Kyoto (Japan) and Chandigarh (India). From 1973 until his retirement in 2006, Klaus Buchner was first a lecturer, then a professor at the mathematics faculty of the Technical University of Munich. Since 1979 he has been a member of the scientific academy Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti in Messina, and in 1992 he was awarded the Golden Medal of Merit by the University of Wroclaw. He has been advising mobile communications citizens' initiatives for more than 20 years and now gives lectures on 5G mobile communications throughout Germany. Klaus Buchner was a Member of the European Parliament for the Ecological Democratic Party (ÖDP) from 2014 to 2020 and now lives in Munich.

Monika Krout

Monika Krout, M.D. (born 1963) studied medicine in Marburg. Following her doctorate, she spent several years working as a physician in the Department of Pediatric Oncology at the Children's Hospital of the University of Cologne; during research fellowships at the renowned Max Planck Institute in Munich and at UT Health (University of Texas Health Science Center) in Houston she was able to expand her specialist knowledge in the fields of oncology and hematology. Since 1993, she has been running her own general practitioner’s surgery specializing in naturopathy in Aachen. One focus of her work is research on electrohypersensitivity; in particular, she studies the relationship between mobile phone radiation and heart rate variability.

Agence Schweiger