Taming the Dragons




Brenda Wilbee

Redemption Press

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

Trim Size 9×6
Page Count 266

Once upon a time…the raging dragon…a hero and a damsel in distress… Remember the old fairy tales? Prince Charming and Sleeping Beauty and happily ever after? It was always that way inour bedtime stories, but what about real life? Are you overwhelmed, in despair, heartsick, or in danger? Not sure which way to turn? Whom to trust? What to do? In this highly creative approach, Wilbee combines women from the Bible with characters in well-known stories like The Wizard of Oz, Winnie the Pooh, and Jane Eyre to help women in conflict and pain understand five powerful choices they have to tame their dragons. Orphan: In crisis, Dorothy of Oz and Esther of old learn to ask for help—and find self-reliance. Pilgrim: Scarecrow and Hagar flee ineffective and/or hurtful expectations to seek clarity and new direction. Martyr: Tinman and Ruth sacrifice from a position of power in order to redeem—not from powerless subservience to someone else’s agenda. Warrior: Lion and Deborah fight to save those they love, careful lest they become like the dragons they slay. Wizard: Wizard and Abigail name Truth, then work creative alternatives to transform evil … though they must first name their own.

Brenda Wilbee

Brenda Wilbee is passionate about helping women in their everyday lives. The author of over 10 books with more than 700,000 copies sold, Brenda is a long-time contributor to Guidepost’s Daily Devotionals. Her work appears in Zondervan’s Women’s Devotional Bible, Inside Religious Publishing, and Guidepost’s Best Loved Stories. She holds an MA in professional writing, with an emphasis on myth, fairy tale, and folklore. She divides her time between the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and the Canadian Yukon.

Agence Schweiger