Stop forgetting everything you read!



Eliott Meunier

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

216 pages
15 x 21 cm


A simple system for taking notes, storing your knowledge and spark ideas

Build a second digital brain!

Who has never felt sorry for having forgotten the essence of a book (or any other exciting content)? In an economy that increasingly linked to knowledge, the ability to retain and connect ideas is becoming essential to produce high value-added content and make a difference. Eliott Meunier proposes here a complete method for managing our personal knowledge, in 6 steps, from the selection of sources to the development of original content. To do this, he relies on classic methods of note-taking, in particular the Zettelkasten method, and on the latest digital tools for knowledge management.

Eliott Meunier

A former dancer at the Paris Opera, Eliott Meunier specialised in personal knowledge management at the age of 17. He creates systems to enable eve- ryone to control over the daily flow of information and to use this knowledge in their projects, work and life.

Agence Schweiger