Sport Massage



Sports and Martial Arts

Thomas Meyer

Copress - Stiebner

Language of origin

Rights Sold

Infos :

160 pages

Doing a sport massage is not only limited to trained physiotherapists. Everyone should benefit from the easy to follow instructions in this book. Help yourself or your partner to regenerate faster and to create the conditions for your best athletic performance.

There is no better way to relax after a long day at the desk, than getting a good massage for your back and neck.

Step by step photographs guide you through all the different massage techniques. Detailed instructions teach you all about the different applications for massages, such as prevention, activation and relaxation.

Thomas Meyer

Born in Switzerland in 1974, Thomas Meyer first worked as an editor in an advertising agency and as a freelance journalist. Since 2012 he has been a writer and has already published four novels.

Agence Schweiger