Shaman, A Voyage to the Heart of Nature


New Age / Esoterics

Corinne Sombrun

Sébastien Baud

Éditions Michel Lafon

Language of origin

Publication date

Rights Sold

Infos :

192 pages
4 colors illustrations

The first cultural and visual history of shamans by two renowned experts.

A shaman is someone “who sees in the dark”. Entering into a state of trance, he has the power
to journey to other dimensions. As he performs his rituals, he displays supernatural powers and invokes the spirits of the natural world. His connection with animals, plants, minerals and the spirits of
the ancestors is the epitome of harmony with life around us.

The growing interest in this subject in the west can be explained by the holistic nature of shamanism and the promise it offers of reconnection with the natural world.

At a time when we are facing an ecological emergency, these guardians of the earth and of ancient wisdom offer us not only a new vision of the world, but also the possibility of a more profound and pluralistic form of awareness.

Corinne Sombrun

Corine Sombrun is a French writer, ethno-musician and specialist in Mongolian shamanism trained in trance states by shamans in Mongolia.

Sébastien Baud

Sébastien Baud is an ethnologist, anthropologist and specialist in Amazonian and Andean shamanism.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger