

Garden & Nature

Serge Schall

Terre Vivante

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24 x 32 cm
288 pages CMYK

All the knowledge, all the stories, all the power, all the hopes


Botany, biology, agriculture, exploration, selection, research, uses, issues, powers, speculation… But also art, literature, imagination, beauty… This beautiful, rich book presents the world of seeds in all their aspects and all their potential.

Serge Schall

Serge Schall was born in Marseille in 1958. Successively director of an in vitro culture laboratory, then commercial director of a tree nursery, he decided to make his knowledge available to the general public. Since then, he has been a regular contributor to a number of specialist gardening publications, and has also written some forty books on plants and gardening.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger