



Françoise Couic Marinier

Laurent Briquet

Terre Vivante

Language of origin

Infos :

15 x 21 cm
256 pages

Live better with your emotions using essential oils, self-hypnosis and meditation

More and more people suffer from anxiety, insomnia, stress and are looking to regain their inner balance and better manage their emotions by natural means.

For each psychological, emotional or sensory disorder of everyday life, the book offers practical answers with essential oils but also associated self-hypnosis, visualisation, relaxation or meditation exercises. Proven advice, illustrated by personal accounts, and a preface by Christophe André.


Françoise Couic Marinier

Dr. Françoise Couic Marinier is a doctor of pharmacy, a trainer in phytotherapy and aromatherapy for health professionals and a university lecturer. She is author of articles and books for the general public and professionals and has co-founded the only university degree in clinical aromatherapy in France (Strasbourg). She also trains several hundred health professionals every year, contributing to the development of aromatherapy in the hospital.

Laurent Briquet

Laurent Briquet is a former psychiatric hospital psychologist, doctor of psychology and aromatherapist.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger