Oracle of your body’s messages


Tarots & Oracles

Charlotte Daynes

Guy Trédaniel

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :


This oracle will allow you to reconnect with your body, to become aware of the signs it is sending you and to let it tell you what it needs most at this moment.

It will enlighten you when making decisions and, more simply, in the magic of everyday life.

The cards will guide you step by step in order to free yourself from your ailments, regain all your energy and move towards your life’s goal.

Charlotte Daynes

Charlotte Daynes is a Lightworker who works for the happiness and well-being of everyone. In 2015, she created "The Light is in You" which accompanies individuals and groups towards their personal development, happiness and freedom. Charlotte leads them towards a global wellness (heart, body, mind) and guides them through their inner fog so that everyone is fully aligned and well in their life. She offers online training courses, notably to develop one's energetic capacities or to live one's life mission fully. She also leads retreats, nature workshops and women's circles to (re)connect to oneself and one's potential.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger