Nasty Critters


Children's Books

Claudia Gotthardt

Véro Mischitz


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

40 pages
30 coloured illustrations
19 x 24.5 cm

Why some nasty animals are much cooler than you think

→ Another colorfoul title filled with factual information about our natural world

→ Designed as a flipbook for playful learning 

Fact or fiction? “Every person swallows eight spiders in their sleep per year, and wasps sting out of pure malice.” A book against common prejudices. You can read about all the bad things said about rats, toads, earwigs, or wolves. To learn the truth you flip the book by 180 degrees: Then, you can discover all the exciting facts about the allegedly, “nasty critters” and their behaviour.

Claudia Gotthardt

Claudia Gotthardt is a graphic designer and lives in Hamburg. Her funny and impressive illustrations are ideal for our non-fiction picture books.

Véro Mischitz

Véro Mischitz is a certified biologist, freelance illustrator, and comic book artist. As “Frau Kirschvogel” she writes her own blog and regularly draws science comic strips for the Helmholtz Association. Birds have always had a place in her heart ever since she spent a lot of time at a field station in Norway with bird enthusiastic friends and colleagues during her studies.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger