How Would It Feel?

Children's Books

Mary Beth Goddard

Bear Cub

Language of origin

Infos :

Pages 32
Book Size 8.5 x 8.5
Hardcover Book
Full color throughout

Takes children on an imaginative journey, inviting their personal exploration of all aspects of nature

• Presents a series of fantastic hypothetical questions that encourages children to imagine an intimate and playful relationship with the natural world

• Contains vivid and intricate full-color illustrations to spark the imagination

• For children ages 4 to 6

In How Would It Feel? Mary Beth Goddard takes children on a journey of fantastic proportions, inviting them to imagine a playful interaction with the natural world. How would it feel to ride on a breeze . . . splash down with the rain . . . play tag with the sun . . . or wake up in a flower? Children and parents alike will have an opportunity to view the world from widely varying perspectives, such as high in the sky or deep under the sea. But the final stanza provides reassuring closure, returning children to the safety of home: “It’s time to go back / to your own bed and rest, / back to the family / who loves you the best.”

The repeated poetic phrasing beginning each passage provides early reading skill development, and the vivid and intricate details in the watercolor artwork successfully extend and amplify the text, inviting many hours of exploration.

Mary Beth Goddard

Mary Beth Goddard wrote How Would It Feel? for her son, Alex, who has been challenged by ill health since his birth. She owns a graphic production company and lives in Wisconsin. Anna Mycek-Wodecki attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland, and graduated with dual masters degrees in graphic arts and fine art. She owns a graphic design studio and shares her time between Chicago and Warsaw, Poland.

Agence Schweiger