My green diary



Corinna Wieja

Stephanie Dierolf

Knesebeck Verlag

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

17.0 x 24.0 cm
144 pages
Colour illustrations
B/w illustrations

How you can rescue the climate and the environment on every day


Help to keep your ecological footprint as small as possible! With simple, easy tips, the friendly Greeny shows you how to plant a butterfly garden, upcycle your old clothing and avoid waste. Make a herbal village with empty bottles, lanterns out of milk cartons or turn a cheese box into a bento box – a wealth of tips and tricks on how to protect the environment, plus checklists and diary entries to support you in this important task and keep you up to date on the success of your environmental activities. You can do something every day, no matter what season, spring, summer, autumn or winter, and with the help of these entertaining activity tips and a clearly laid-out calendar, you can do your bit to make our world greener.

Corinna Wieja

Corinna Wieja has always loved to immerse herself in the world of books. She translates books, advertising copy and scripts for TV commercials from English into German. As an author, she loves to write exciting and humorous stories. When she is not reading, writing or translating, she likes to spend time tending the plants in her garden. In February 2013, the expert jury of the association for the promotion of authors and producers Top: Talente awarded one of her exposés first prize in the ideas competition “Junge Helden brauchen wir.“

Stephanie Dierolf

Stephanie Dierolf was born in Freiburg, studied communications design and in 2019, returned to her home town, where she now works as a freelance graphic artist and illustrator. She combines analogue and digital technologies, linking text and image in new ways which re- invent content.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger