Lower Your Cholesterol Without Drugs



Roger Mason

Square One Publishers

Language of origin

Infos :

6.0 X 9.0 in
128 pages

According to the American Heart Association, high cholesterol is the leading cause of coronary heart disease, which continues to be the number-one killer in North America. While millions of Americans take prescription medications to lower their cholesterol, the fact is, these drugs often have very dangerous side effects. In his updated edition of Lower Your Cholesterol Without Drugs, best-selling author Roger Mason offers you safe and natural alternatives to effectively lower your cholesterol levels. He does so in a no-holds barred manner, separating the fairy tales from the scientifically valid truths.

Divided into two parts, the book first looks at the causes of high cholesterol, citing primarily poor diet and nutrition. Part Two details how a balanced, vitamin-rich diet can naturally and safely lower cholesterol. The author explains which foods to avoid, and offers important tips on how to read the nutrition labels on food packages. In addition, the author provides information on natural supplements that can help lower even genetically high cholesterol.

If you think it’s time to achieve a healthy cholesterol level without using risky prescription drugs, you have come to the right place. Doing so is neither complicated nor expensive-it is simply a matter of knowing the simple steps to take. In Lower Your Cholesterol Without Drugs you will have the solution in hand.

Roger Mason

Roger Mason is an internationally known research chemist who studies natural health and life extension. He develops unique natural supplements and products, and has written several best-selling titles, including The Natural Diabetes Cure and Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs. A frequent guest speaker on radio stations across the country, Mr. Mason advocates natural alternatives to drug therapies.

Agence Schweiger