Intermittent Fasting



Lisa Biritz


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Would you like to escape the downward spiral of too much food, guilty conscience, and failed diets? And instead live with pleasure AND lose weight at the same time? It’s easy with shamanic intermittent fasting! The well-known author Lisa Biritz knows from experience that diets promise little success and that yo-yo effect strikes faster than you would assume. She shows in a sensitive and vivid way that it is often not the body that is hungry, but the soul that is missing something. With the help of numerous exercises, inspiring suggestions, and medical tips, you can easily implement shamanic intermittent fasting. You will gain exciting insights into the connection between body and soul and a new understanding of yourself. Start finding your way back to the lightness of being and to your desired figure, lasting and without sacrifice, now!

Lisa Biritz

LISA BIRITZ,, has travelled the world and learned shamanic work from Sandra Intergman (essential shamanism) and Sun Bear. She is also trained in ancestor constellations, shiatsu and reiki, and is a certified hatha yoga teacher. For many years she has been accompanying people who want to meet dolphins in the wild. Lisa Biritz is Dutch by birth and the mother of two twin daughters. She lives in Hawaii in the Dolphin and Whale Bay. There she runs the Aloha Dolphin House, where she also gives shamanic seminars and from which she also accompanies volunteers at sea.

Agence Schweiger