Indian runner ducks in my garden


Garden & Nature

Sylvie La Spina

Terre Vivante

Language of origin

Infos :

21 x 21 cm
120 pages

Or how to eliminate slugs

Indian runner ducks are the new emblems of permaculture! They also coexist very well with the vegetable garden, unlike hens. Fantastic slug eaters, productive, efficient and economical egglayers, they also guarantee smiles and laughter as their presence is so friendly and endearing. This book provides all you need to know on the species; how to choose, welcome and breed them, the egglaying, caring for them… it is a real “user manual” for having ducks in the vegetable garden.


Sylvie La Spina

As an agronomist, I am passionate about agriculture, animal husbandry, animal welfare and environmental preservation. Professionally, I have oriented my career towards the development of organic farming. On a personal level, I have developed a diversified micro-farm that serves as a testing ground for me. These large and small-scale experiences are shared through visits, trainings, conferences, articles in journals and the publication of books.

Agence Schweiger