How to make your own cheese



Adèle Desachy

Pierre Coulon

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Infos :

144 pages
17 x 23 cm

Making your own cheese? It is possible! Thanks to the savoir-faire of the author, a passionate cheese maker, eager to transmit his knowledge and his vision of a res- pectful, organic, authentic production. You will also get ideas for cooking leftover cheese that you made, not to spoil it.

Adèle Desachy

Adèle Desachy is a journalist. She has notably worked for La Quotidienne, the sequel on France 5 and for Chéri(e), c'est moi le chef on France 2.

Pierre Coulon

Pierre Coulon is a cheese maker and trainer. He created the Laiterie de Paris in 2017, in the Goutte-d'Or district, thus becoming the leading Parisian cheese manufacturer.

Agence Schweiger