Homebrewed Beer




Klaus Kling

Ökobuch Verlag

Language of origin

Publication date

“Brewing beer is far more interesting and creative than pressing wine”. This is the assessment of Klaus Kling, beer ambassador and author of this book. And brewing beer yourself in not that difficult. Above all, it is fascinating to discover that you can boil a variety of different beers with just a few tools and even fewer ingredients. It is truly an experience to get to know the whole range of quaint, tasty and unadulterated beers, at only a minor cost. This opulently illustrated guidebook explains the brewing process step by step. It provides numerous tips and information on ingredients and utensils as well as brewing methods. Klaus Kling also devotes an entire chapter to the recently revitalized creative and diverse brewing culture of craft beers. Additionally: 100 selected recipes from all over world, from Wheat beer, Pilsener, Altbier and Kölsch to dark lager beers and international specialties such as stouts and ales. Cheers!

Klaus Kling

Klaus Kling is himself a passionate home and hobby brewer. After starting his expertise as a vocation, he has since turned it professional: he develops and sells innovative home brewing equipment and brewing materials.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger