The Drinkable Globe



Jeff Cioletti


Language of origin

The Indispensable Guide To The Wide World Of Booze

Join the globetrotting Jeff Cioletti as he explores the tradition, consumption, and production of alcohol in eleven distinct global regions. Starting at the international dateline and moving west, Cioletti shares thoughts on the relationships of the people that inhabit these regions with alcohol and even throws in dozens of cocktail recipes from reknowned international bartenders and connoisseurs to boot.

Jeff Cioletti

JEFF CIOLETTI’S tenure in liquid literacy has exposed him to some of the best libations the world has to offer and given him access to the producers and purveyors of such fine refreshments. He combines his love of drink with a passion for travel, and one usually involves the other. As editor-at-large of Beverage World magazine and founder of The Drinkable Globe (, Jeff continues to explore the planet, one drink at a time. When he’s not writing about or traveling for beverages, he’s making films about them. He is the writer, producer, and director of the feature film Beerituality, a comedy set in the world of craft beer. The film is available for on-demand streaming and download at Jeff has offered his beverage-related insights on CNN International, Fox Business News, CNBC, Beer Sessions Radio, NPR, BBC World, BBC Radio, the Associated Press, the New York Post, Financial Times, WCBS-TV, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Investors Business Daily, Advertising Age, and many other media outlets. He currently resides in Alexandria, Virginia, with his wife and two cats.

Agence Schweiger