Herbal recipes book



Hirsch Siegrid


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

Broschure with flaps
17 x 22 cm
Pages 192

Home remedies, ointments, juices, jams, herbal wine, liqueurs, vinegar, oil

Is working with herbs in step with the modern day? Is it important to collect, grow medicinal plants, or make herbal products for yourself? Yes, more so than ever! Timeless classics of natural medicine such as St John’s wort oil, violet syrup, rubbing alcohol, or cough syrup from the tops of fir trees are at their most reliable when you make them yourself, using items you have gathered. Throughout history, people have come up with numerous methods of getting the most out of medicinal plants. Here you will find the concentrated power of herbs in over 350 authentic recipes and tips from folk medicine. A guide to making valuable home remedies. The palette ranges from the tincture to the herb vinegar, the herb oil, jams, syrup and juices to the ointments. The recipes are ready to use and easy to follow step by step.

Hirsch Siegrid

Siegrid Hirsch , après une formation de technicien en bâtiment, a été rédacteur ORF pendant de nombreuses années, s'est impliqué dans les plantes médicinales depuis son plus jeune âge. Elle a complété sa formation de plantes médicinales et de botaniste à l'école des herbes d'Ignaz Schlifni. Active en tant que membre du conseil d'administration de la plus ancienne et plus grande association d'herbes d'Autriche, elle est rédactrice en chef du magazine «Gesundheitsbote» depuis 2002.

Agence Schweiger