Goal mapping



Brian Mayne

Watkins Nourish

Infos :

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Language of origin

A Practical Guide to Turning Your Dreams into Realities

Created by Brian Mayne, the Goal Mapping system fuses Eastern and Western techniques to create a holistic method to help achieve success. The system uses both left and right brain, bringing words, pictures and symbols together to connect the conscious to the sub-conscious, so that your subconscious accepts your goals as
the dominant command to be pursued. The Goal Mapping system utilizes seven steps that stimulate whole brain activity to ensure success. Work through the book to create your own personalized goal map and make your dreams into realities.

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne is an inspirational speaker, author and leader on the science of positive thinking and goal achievement. He travels the world delivering his simple yet profound messages.

Agence Schweiger