Get out of your comfort zone


Card Decks & Oracles


Ben Aldridge

Watkins Nourish

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

60 cards
Booklet Kit&Deck
Full-colour cards


60 Challenge Cards to Build a Strong Resilient Mindset

This ground-breaking deck pushes you out of your comfort zone with 60 challenges to develop your mental and physical strength and resilience! By forcing you to face up to negative emotions such as embarrassment, fear and boredom, the challenges make you grow as a person – and have a lot of fun in the process. There are six categories of challenges: Skill, Concentration, Discomfort, Creative, Physical and Courage. Learn to say the alphabet backward … go on a half-day silent retreat … cover your face and hands in honey and don’t touch anything for an hour. Or maybe you’d like to create the world’s weirdest sandwich. Or set your personal best doing push-ups … and then break it … and then break it again! This deck will appeal to all those who love Ben’s first book, How to Be Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable, as well as a wider audience of motivational card users and personal development enthusiasts.

Ben Aldridge

Ben Aldridge is a writer, musician and teacher with a passion for philosophy, adventure and learning new things. He loves ideas and spends a lot of time contemplating stuff (probably too much time).

Agence Schweiger