Experiencing nonviolent daily communication


Card Decks & Oracles


Florence Millot

Guy Trédaniel

Language of origin

Infos :

81 cards
Colour printing
11 x 8.5 x 4.5

Knowing how to communicate by avoiding conflict and misunderstandings, a quality that is essential to nurture in order to appease relationships and flourish…

Are you on edge at the slightest conflict? Angry or frustrated when you are misunderstood. Thanks to the 81 cards in this box, you will discover each day a positive advice or affirmation to develop your empathy and better understand the ones around you, become aware of your deep needs and improve your way of expressing them. You will acquire the keys to: soothing relationships and a deep and lasting well-being

Florence Millot

Florence Millot is a psychologist working with children, teenagers and their parents for the last ten years or so. She is also the author of numerous books, including The Toltec Principles applied to children (Hachette, 2017, 17,000 copies sold).

Agence Schweiger