

Tarots & Oracles

Sonia Jean

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

78 cards + 216-page booklet, 13 x 19.5 cm


The Tarot of Your Emotional Healing

Use Tarot to discover your buried emotions

A valuable and extremely powerful companion, EmoTarot uses the power of symbols and allegories to help you discover yourself and open up to divination. By reading its illustrious figures, such as the Hanged Man or the Empress, you’ll be able to interpret the path to your deepest goals and bring out your true self. In its fortune-telling function, EmoTarot will give you all the answers and advice you need to make the best decisions and move forward. In its healing function, each major card will lead you to recognise and release your emotional wounds – whether they are from a childhood wound, a karmic trauma or a blockage from a past life.

May this tool be your most faithful companion in your spiritual awakening.


Sonia Jean

Sonia Jean is a medium and therapist. She perceives the wounds, ka- rma and history of each individual.
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger