Chicks in the Garden



Garden & Nature

Beate und Leopold Peitz

Wilhelm Bauer


Language of origin

Infos :

208 pages
130 colour photographs
62 illustrations

All about chicken keeping and chicken coops

The standard reference guide for domestic chicken keeping, completely revised. All about breeds, keeping and building chicken coops in your own garden. Keeping chickens in the garden is currently very “in” – they’re hardly any work, look after themselves and produce fresh breakfast eggs. Here, new and established chicken keepers alike will find everything they’re looking for in one book – suitable breeds, keeping, feeding, breeding, raising the chicks and health. Contains details on everything you need to know about building and fitting out a chicken coop, plus ten projects to try out yourself, from a small coop to a converted children’s playhouse and a breeding station.

Beate und Leopold Peitz

Wilhelm Bauer

Wilhelm Bauer is a judge for poultry of all kinds, an experienced author, freelance journalist and constant contributor to the German-language trade press at home and abroad. Wilhelm Bauer is a small animal expert and official in the Bund Deutscher Rassegeflügelzüchter (Association of German Breeders of Purebred Poultry). He is a judge for poultry of all kinds, a freelance journalist and a regular contributor to the German-language trade press at home and abroad.

Agence Schweiger