BORRELIOSIS, the hidden pandemic



Susanne Gärtner


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

192 Pages
14,8 x 21 x 1.6 cm

Copies sold


Clinical picture, diagnosis, current naturopathic treatments


Borreliosis is a serious risk and not a harmless disease. This infectious disease with its manifold symptoms is still underestimated by many medical professionals and treated too one-sidedly. On the one hand, because many doctors often use incorrect laboratory values as a guide and therefore do not diagnose the disease at all or diagnose it too late. On the other hand, academic doctrine erroneously assumes that Lyme disease can be easily overcome with antibiotics alone.

You will find extensive information on this subject in this book. In addition, the author presents treatment methods that follow a holistic approach. In addition to conventional medical therapy approaches, it also describes current naturopathic treatments that are still unknown in relation to this disease. This complementary approach aims to alleviate or completely eliminate the existing symptoms.

Susanne Gärtner

Susanne Gärtner works as an alternative practitioner in her own practice in Munich. As a speaker, she passes on her knowledge and experience in seminars, trade fairs and congresses. She also writes for various specialist magazines. She herself had a chronic Borreliosis disease for more than 15 years. With alternative and holistic treatment approaches, she was able to sustainably overcome her Borreliosis disease.

Agence Schweiger