

Karine Danan

Stomie Busy

Éditions Eyrolles

Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

136 pages, 17 x 24 cm


A journey with those who think and feel differently

Cathy, a psychotherapist, and her friends Jocelyne and Morgan go on a trip to Egypt. From the pre-departure preparations to the various activities offered to holidaymakers, not forgetting the flight and the arrival at the hotel, this trip will be an opportunity for the three friends to discover their respective peculiarities. When it comes to organisation, Cathy uses mind maps, Jocelyne makes checklists and Morgan is constantly improvising… But their quirks don’t stop there… We’re all different when it comes to dealing with stress, smells, noise, feelings, remembering, analysing, observing, organising our actions and getting emotional.

Karine Danan

Karine Danan is a psychotherapist.

Stomie Busy

Stomie Busy is an famous French illustrator. @stomiebusy (106k fol- lowers)
Agence Schweiger

Agence Schweiger