Asking for a Pregnant Friend


New World Library

Language of origin

Infos :

Trade paperback
336 pages
6 x 9
Black-and-white illustrations

101 Answers to Questions Women Are Too Ashamed or Scared to Ask about Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Early Motherhood

  • Frank girlfriend talk and expert advice about pregnancy, child- birth, and early motherhood, including postpartum concerns
  • The author has contributed to Working Mother, Fit Pregnancy, Pregnancy & Newborn, Elephant Journal, Cosmopolitan, Red- book, Scary Mommy, Natural Mother, YourTango, American Baby, and the Huffington Post
  • Medical experts and psychologists were consulted to ensure accurate answers to the featured questions, which were gathered through social media and the author’s childbirth and postpartum classes
  • The author’s birthing and parenting articles have been shared on social media more than 4 million times, and her YouTube channel has more than 600,000 views and gains approximately 100 new subscribers each week. All too often, pregnant women and the mothers of newborns have questions they are too embarrassed to ask their doctors, friends, mothers, and sisters. What is that smell? Is the fetus really okay when I have sex? What should I do if I’m sad about my baby’s gender? What’s the real deal with pooping during labor? Is it normal to be jealous of my baby? Women who summon the courage to ask these questions online are frequently met with unwelcome judgments or inaccurate information. Bailey Gaddis is determined to provide them with real, safe, savvy, and nonjudgmental answers because she was one of them herself. She had so many unanswered questions before and after her child’s birth that she trained as a doula and has since become a beloved and sought-after in-person and online childbirth educator. She’s basically an unflappable, modern combination of Dr. Ruth, Dear Abby, and Dr. Spock. Her uniquely authoritative, accessible, and sometimes funny treasure trove of answers will leave women heard, informed, reassured and no longer afraid to ask.

Agence Schweiger