Anxious Little Monsters



Verity Crosswell


Language of origin

Publication date

Infos :

Trade Paperback
180 Pages
4-color illustrations throughout

A Gentle Mental Health Companion for Anxiety and Stress

Book on Anxiety with Encouraging Little Monsters

Anxious Little Monsters is a friendly little book on anxiety containing cute monster illustrations, affirmations, and encouragement for those facing mental health challenges.

An antidote for a society riddled with loneliness. Even though advancing technology has allowed people to connect in ways once unimaginable, we are lonelier than ever. It can be difficult to find a place in our fast-paced world, and it’s easy to think that we’re the only ones going through a hard time. As a result, anxiety is on the rise. Enter: Anxious Little Monsters. The positive affirmations in this book on anxiety, in the form of hand-drawn, adorable anxious monsters, meet your anxiety where it’s at and offer a helping hand for getting through it and attaining mental wellness and peace of mind.

The gentle reminders you need and deserve. Overcoming anxiety may seem The Big Activity Book Reid, Jordan for Anxious People daunting, but these monsters are take things easy. T…

Verity Crosswell

Verity Crosswell is a professional illustrator whose art provides comfort and hope to the many women out there facing mental health challenges. She is the creator of the Anxious Little Monsters platform where her cute illustrated monsters and messages provide friendly reminders and encouragement. She is also the creator of the Etsy shop Anxious Little Things where she sells her work to her devoted fans.

Agence Schweiger