A New Dawn of Beekeeping




Garden & Nature

Manfred Schmitz


Language of origin

Infos :

160 pages
70 colour photographs

Understanding and implementing current research

How can you create living conditions for bees so that you can keep them healthy? How should a beehive be constructed? What is necessary for appropriate keeping and handling of bees? In this book, you’ll find answers to all these questions with ideas from state-of-the-art bee research in the form of elaborate presentations from the bee specialists Jürgen Tautz, Torben Schiffer and Thomas D. Seeley, together with information on how you can implement these research findings directly. Drawing on his own experience in professional practice, Manfred Schmitz shows you beekeeping as appropriate to the species, and argues for a greater emphasis on natural ways to maintain bee health.

Manfred Schmitz

Manfred Schmitz is a beekeeper and bee and honey expert. In his company "wiesenkind - nature experience from the very beginning" he offers beekeeper training and bee joint ventures, lectures and seminars, consulting and the establishment of nature-oriented beekeeping.

Agence Schweiger